This articles explains the procedure for changing the ownership of a domain name from one account to another account.
In order to change the ownership from one account to another within we need the following declaration sent to us via email to [email protected] from the registered email address of the .ae domain that can be found here:
Below is the template to be filled in and sent:
I <The current Registrant, or an authorised representative of the proposed
Registrant as per the registrant details on, makes the following declaration in accordance to the UAE laws:
I accept transferring of the domain license <> license to the new contact
Details of the transfer include;
Domain name:
Current contact name:
Email address:
Phone number:
New contact name:
Email address
Phone number
Organisation name
Full Address: (P.O.Box, address, city, state, country)
<Mention your reason for transfer here>
I certify that all the information I have furnished in this declaration are true and
correct, and I understand that any false or misleading information may be subject to
an offence under the UAE laws.