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Are .ae Domains Best for UAE Websites?

by | Dec 6, 2022 | .ae Domains, Domain Name Blog

Many people automatically choose com domains. But is this the best choice?

In this article, we’ll look at why ae domains are best for UAE websites. We’ll start by looking at ae vs com – where we’ll explain the basic differences between the two. Then we’ll look at the SEO advantages of ae domains and show you how you can register one for your business.

.ae vs .com

Both ae and com are examples of top-level domains (TLDs). TLDs are the last part of domain names. They appear at the very end of a website’s address.

What are ccTLDs?

Some TLDs link to individual countries. When this happens they’re called ccTLDs (country code Top-Level Domains). ae is the ccTLD for the UAE. Essentially, ae is the UAE domain name.

ccTLDs are perfect for businesses that want to focus on a specific country. That’s why ae domains are best for UAE businesses – or overseas businesses that sell in the UAE.

What are gTLDs?

Some other TLDs – like com, net or org – aren’t linked to a specific country. When they’re not linked, they’re called generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs). Multinational companies often choose gTLDs – coms are the most popular.

Can I Have a gTLD and ccTLDs?

Yes. If you run a multinational business, you could register a com domain for your main website. Then you could buy ccTLDs – like ae – to target individual countries. That might sound like a lot of work, but in the next section we’ll explain why it’s worth it!

What are the SEO Advantages of .ae Domains?

SEO (or Search Engine Optimisation) used to be easy. Even new websites could rank on page one of Google.

Nowadays, SEO is more difficult. Luckily, ccTLDs like ae are great for local SEO. Let’s look at the top SEO advantages of ae domains:

.ae Domains Focus on the UAE

If your customers are in the UAE, then they’ll want to see information that’s relevant to them. If they search for ‘news stories’, they probably want to know about current events in the UAE. If they search for ‘cheap laptops’, they probably want UAE delivery options. And if they search for ‘first-class flights’, they probably want flights from the UAE.

But most international businesses don’t want to fill their com websites with UAE-focused content. That could be distracting for other visitors and harmful to their SEO.

By buying a ae domain as well, you can create a site focused on your UAE visitors. You could even add keywords that match searches performed in the UAE. For big businesses, this is one of the main SEO advantages of ae domains.

ccTLDs Rank Higher in Search

Search engines don’t just look at keywords. They also look at the top-level domain itself. If you’ve chosen the ae ccTLD, that sends a signal to the search engines that your content is relevant to UAE visitors.

Search engines can normally tell if a searcher is in the UAE, and local ae websites will often rank higher in the search results shown to them.

ccTLDs Get Higher Click Through Rates

We’ve explained two good reasons why ccTLDs rank higher in search. But it’s not enough just to rank well. To increase your website traffic, you need searchers to actually click through to your site.

Another reason ae domains are best for UAE websites is because they can attract more clicks. That’s because search engines show users your domain name. UAE internet users understand that ae websites are most likely to be relevant, so they’re more likely to click through to them.

.ae Domains are Better for Link Building

So far, we’ve looked at three on-page SEO advantages of ae domain names. (Hint: On-page SEO covers everything you can do on your own website or server.) But there’s another side to SEO called off-page SEO – or link building.

Link building is all about getting other website owners to create hyperlinks to your website (known as backlinks). Search engines keep track of how many backlinks point to each website. Sites with backlinks from local websites in related sectors often rank higher. Having a ae domain could make it easier to get other local websites to link to you.

Benefits for Your Brand

As well as the SEO benefits of ae domains, there are also some powerful benefits for your brand. Buying a ae domain says to UAE internet users that you care about your presence in their country. It builds a sense of trust and encourages a connection with your business.

ae domains are also the perfect choice for companies that want to build a wider presence in the Middle East. The UAE is well established as an economic hub in the region, so the ae domain adds credibility and prestige to any brand.

These benefits can be harder to measure than the SEO benefits of ae domains – but that doesn’t mean they don’t count. Think about them carefully when deciding if you should buy a ae domain.

Learn More About SEO in the UAE

Building your online presence in the UAE can be a challenge. But here at tasjeel, we’re committed to giving you the resources and knowledge you need to succeed. Our guide to the benefits of SEO in the UAE is full of tips and tricks.

Should I Buy a .ae Domain?

If your business and customers are in the UAE, then you should buy a ae domain for your UAE website. If you own a larger business that trades outside of the UAE, then you’ll probably want to buy a com domain name.

But you should still consider the benefits of ae domain names. Buying both a com and a ae domain will give you a big global presence and a stronger local appeal in the UAE.

How Can I Register a .ae Domain Name?

There are lots of reasons why ae domains are best for United Arab Emirates websites. And registering a ae domain is fast and simple – even for overseas companies.

The first step is to choose your new name – this guide to picking a domain name should help. Once you’ve chosen, head over to our ae domain search page – where you can also buy other domains (including coms) too!

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