Security Support Articles
Find Support articles for Security topics.
How to Disable the Two-Factor Authentication on Your cPanel Account?
If you want to remove the Two-Factor Authentication from your cPanel account, follow this instruction. 1. Log into your cPanel account. 2. In the "Security" section, click on the "Two-Factor Authentication" Icon. 3. Click on the "Remove Two-Factor Authentication"...
How to Enable or Disable Mod Security in cPanel?
Is your IP frequently blocked when you access a wordpress admin area or any type of script with a web browser? Are you left with the feeling that your IP is blocked or that the server is down or isn"t working? If the answer is "Yes", then it may have happened as a...
How to Enable the Two-Factor Authentication on Your cPanel Account?
Security is important for our data safety and we recommended you to enable the Two-Factor Authentication(2FA) on your cPanel account so that hackers will be unable to access your cPanel account even if they have somehow obtained your account"s user and password...
How to protect a folder with username and password in cPanel?
You can lock a directory with password by using the cPanel "Password Protected Directories" Option. 1. Log into your cPanel account. 2. In the "Files" section, click on "Directory Privacy" Icon. 3. Click the icon to open a folder. 4. Click on the name of directory you...
How to protect your website’s images from an external website?
External Website can use < img /> tag to display an image from your site somewhere else on the internet and The end result of this is that the other website steals your bandwidth. 1. Log into your cPanel account. 2. In the "Security" section, click on "HotLink...
How to blacklist an IP Address to deny it access to your website?
You can lock directory with a password by using cPanel "Password Protected Directories" option. 1. Log into your cPanel account. 2. In the "Security" section, click on "IP Blocker" Icon. 3. Under "Add an IP or Range" you should enter the IP Address you wish to block....