With hundreds of web hosting options available, it isn’t easy to know which to choose. There are so many web hosting companies, all competing for your business. And most offer several types of web hosting too.
If you’re confused by all the choices, then this guide will help you find the best web host – and select the best plan.
How to Pick the Best Web Host
Your website is vital to the success of your business, so you shouldn’t trust just anyone to host it. Here are the top 5 things to look for in a web host:
1. An Established and Trustworthy Provider
Most of the best web hosts are well-established companies. Ideally, you should look for a web hosting provider that’s been in business for 10 years or more.
2. Web Hosting and Domain Registrations
Look for a company that offers both web hosting and domain registrations. You can use separate companies, but combining both services makes life simpler!
3. First-Class Customer Support
Most of the time, web hosting is a no-hassle service, but if things go wrong, it’s good to know that your host can step up with first-class customer support. Check the contact options offered on each host’s website. Live chat and email support tickets are often most efficient.
4. Positive Web Hosting Reviews
Reputation also counts for a lot. Check a company’s web hosting reviews on sites like TrustPilot, or speak to friends and family about their experiences.
5. A Range of Web Hosting Plans
There are many types of web hosting available – so why limit yourself to a host that only offers one plan?
Which Type of Web Hosting is Best for Me?
Every website is different. Some are small and simple, while others are large and complex. What works for one business might not always work for another. Here’s a quick breakdown aimed at 3 key groups:
The Best Web Hosting for Small Business
If your website is small and simple, you don’t need to overpay for features you won’t use. A simple shared website hosting plan should cover all your needs.
The Best Web Hosting for WordPress
If you have a WordPress website, you should consider specialist WordPress hosting. As the name suggests, this type of web hosting is purpose built for WordPress websites.
The Best Web Hosting for Beginners
If you’re a beginner, you should consider a website builder plan with hosting included. Website builders make it very simple to build a website yourself – without the need to hire a developer.
Learn More: This article covers the different types of web hosting available to you.
The advice we’ve shared here should help you find the best web host for your unique needs. By comparing your options carefully before you buy, you can also select the best plan on offer. Good luck!