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What is WordPress Hosting

by | Dec 23, 2019 | Website Hosting Blog

As of November 2019, 75-million websites use WordPress (WP)! That makes it the world’s most popular content management system (CMS). But all those websites need somewhere to live, and that’s where WordPress hosting comes in.

In this article, we’ll answer the question ‘what is WordPress hosting?’. To do that, we’ll look at how it differs from regular hosting, then we’ll discover the top benefits of this specific hosting. Let’s get started…

What’s the Difference Between WordPress Hosting and Web Hosting?

WordPress hosting is a special form of web hosting that’s tailored to websites using the CMS. Standard web hosting is a very general service used with all kinds of websites. Joomla, Drupal, Magento and even hand-coded websites can all work well with a standard web hosting plan. And of course, you can use standard web hosting for a WordPress website too.

So, why do so many business owners choose this specialist hosting? The answer lies in the superior performance you can get from a server that’s configured specially for WP. But that’s just the start, and there are also many other benefits of this hosting.

Tip: Before you move on, you might want to read our article on WordPress hosting vs web hosting, to be sure you fully understand the difference.

Benefits of WordPress Hosting

Here are some of the main advantages of this style of hosting:

Start Faster

WordPress hosting usually comes with lightning-fast set-up times. Installing the CMS to your server can be a headache, but with this hosting, it only takes a click.

Automatic WordPress Updates

WordPress is actually a type of software. Just like the software you use on your computer, tablet or smartphone, it needs updating. The best hosting plans include automatic updates – leaving you with one less thing to worry about.

Superior Performance

Different content management systems run in different ways. By setting up a server specially for WordPress, it’s possible to deliver superior performance.

Professional WP Support 

Choosing a company that offers specialist hosting for WP websites means you should receive the best support if you run into problems.

Optimised WordPress Website Hosting

Here at, we don’t just advise you on how to build a better business online. We actually give you the tools and services you need to do it. That’s why we’ve developed 3 optimised WP website hosting plans, suitable for the needs of virtually any company.

Our WordPress Hosting Plans

As well as configuring our servers perfectly for WP, we’ve gone the extra mile by offering managed WordPress hosting plans. Essentially, our managed plans leave you free to focus on the fun parts – like building your website and adding great content. Meanwhile, we work hard to take care of those dull techy bits behind the scenes.

All our plans come with automatic WP installations, automatic WordPress updates and a selection of other benefits. These include free email, free SSL security and even free website migrations. Our dedicated support team is also on hand to offer expert WordPress hosting support.

Want to give your WordPress website the very best home? Explore our managed WordPress hosting plans today.

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